Buy Resonance

Resonance Now Available!

June 24th, 2012 @ 3:00 pm
by Vince Twelve

I was in New York most of last week for the launch party (blog post upcoming) but Resonance is now available for purchase!

Buy Resonance!

If you haven’t yet, GO GET IT!

4 Responses to “Resonance Now Available!”

  1. Starmaker Says:

    …why did you put a preorder banner in this post then?

  2. Julia Says:

    I love Resonance!

  3. Nieous Says:

    Guys, I have been playing adventure games for 25 years. Played the demo, bought it immediately. Outstanding work, well done. One of the most innovating and compelling adventures I have ever played. Congrats!

  4. Paul Says:

    Have been playing adventure games since the Infocom (text) days. I agree this is outstanding work. About 50% through, very well-paced so far, which is hard to pull off even for celebrated developers (I’m looking at you Syberia and your “university” chapter).