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Forest – my 48 hour Molyjam 2013 game

July 16th, 2013 @ 1:44 pm
by Vince Twelve

I spent the first weekend of July locked up in my house with a bunch of guys from the Omaha Game Developers Association. We spent a grueling, caffeine-filled weekend creating games for Molyjam 2013

48 hours later, this experiment popped out:

Play Forest

Six guys stayed for pretty much the full 48 hours at my house and a few more dropped in during the course of the weekend. It was an awesome experience. Everyone helped everyone else out with ideas, coding, art, and motivation. It was a very cool, creative atmosphere, and we all admitted that if we hadn’t cooped up together for those 48 hours, we wouldn’t have been nearly as productive or creative.

If you ever have a chance to be involved in a game jam you should get involved. And if you can do it with a bunch of other like-minded people in the same physical space, even better!

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