Now that I’ve finally gotten around to introducing both of the current games, I wanted to point out one fun bit of news. Both Anna and Spooks are featured on the cover CD included with the latest issue of Czech gaming rag “Level Magazine” along with a number of other freeware games. So, if you live somewhere where you can pick up that magazine, check it out. It’s issue 138 with the giant Lara Croft face on the cover.
Also, Anna was included on the cover CD of the UK’s “Microsoft® Windows® XP: The Official Magazine.” (what a longwinded magazine title) Here are some scans of the CD sleeve (front and back) and a shot of the CD interface (big thanks to LimpingFish):

I especially love that on the front of the CD sleeve, the image that they chose to go under “FREE GAMES” was a shot of Anna’s main menu. It has to be the most empty and boring shot of the game you could have possibly taken. The screen has the control GUI and the word “anna” in grey letters on a white background. It shows that the people who made it spent all of 10 seconds to start the game, take a screenie and close the game. Or maybe they were trying to save ink. At least the screenshot they used on the CD interface is interesting… since they swiped that one straight from my site.
Oh, I should also mention that the folks at “Level” were nice enough to email me (in English!) and ask if they could use the games. The boys at “Microsoft® Windows® XP: The Official Magazine” just yoinked it and stuck it on their CD without permission. Not that I really care. The README included with the game specifically allows free re-distribution, but it also asks for notification. I mean, I’m happy that the game is getting some distribution, but c’mon… common courtesy. It would have been a bummer if this had gone out and I never knew (again, big thanks to LimpingFish). Let the hard working game authors enjoy the recognition, giant cash-loaded publishers!
I guess congratulations are in order. Right?
May 9th, 2006 at 1:33-yaaaaaawn-
Oh, I’m sorry. Were you blogging? I fell asleep looking at that boring picture of Anna. Seriously dude, don’t be so critical of yourself – it’s a cool looking picture, and leaves me thinking “Whoa, whats that crap on the sides? I should play the game and find out!”
Cuz thats what I said… when I first saw the screen shot. Verbatim. I’m not kidding. If I had a dog you could ask him.
May 11th, 2006 at 5:58I was talking about this picture silly.
May 11th, 2006 at 10:40Oh, yeah… that’s pretty boring. Oh well, I guess their fancy marketing people thought it would be a good picture or somethin…
May 14th, 2006 at 7:35I’d like to translate Anna in Italian (for free, obviously), are you interested?
September 13th, 2006 at 23:47Of course! Let’s talk. Email me at vincexii at yahoo dot com.
September 14th, 2006 at 8:25i cant understand what this is really abt.
October 9th, 2006 at 1:01What what is really about?
October 9th, 2006 at 8:27