Buy Resonance


June 22nd, 2007 @ 1:25 pm
by Vince Twelve

The AGS forums are having a Photoshop contest with the topic being “Game Anagrams.” This one came courtesy of Grundislav, creator of the great Banjo Nerd… err… Ben Jordan series and made me giggle:


4 Responses to “Annagrams”

  1. gnome Says:



    Banjo nerd nana…

  2. Andrea Says:

    There’s an Italian translate of this game???thanks

  3. Vince Twelve Says:

    Sorry, there are no foreign language translations of Anna at this time. If anyone would offer to make an Italian (or any other language) translation of the game, I would gladly implement it!

  4. Andrea Says:

    Thank you for your answer. The game is very nice, congratulation